The gym in the Chochołowskie Thermal Bath is a space where you can accomplish any, even the most ambitious, training goal. It has been fit in superior quality SportsArt equipment; you can use cardio training gear (treadmills, horizontal and spinning bikes, steppers, elliptical cross trainer and rowing machine), functional training equipment, and strength machines safely isolating muscles and free weights.
Our instructor team is at your disposal every day – if you need consultation or advice, we will be happy to provide it. On top of that, you can arrange an individual training with one of our qualified personal trainers.
Our care for your fitness has resulted in establishing the Chochołowskie Sports Center. Knowing that healthy body is healthy mind, we promote an active lifestyle. We have high-class, professional equipment, among others bicycles, treadmills, weights, barbells, gyms for exercising different muscle groups. At Chochołowskie Sports Center we also offer training packages under the watchful eye of a personal trainer.
Price list
Wejście jednorazowe
Karnet – 1 miesiąc
Karnet – 3 miesiąc
Karnet – 6 miesięcy
Karnet – Poranny, 1 miesiąc
Wejście do godziny 15:00
Trening Personalny
Our spacious fitness room is located on the second level of the Chochołowskie Thermal Baths building. Thanks to the high windows facing Magura Witowska and a fragment of the Western Tatras, we can train with a view of the beautiful landscape.
We invite everyone to classes in elastic body, Zumba, magic bar, Pilates, power step, circuit training, aqua aerobic and spinning. Classes are conducted from Monday to Friday, according to the schedule available on our website and at the Chochołowskie Sports Center.
Our spacious fitness room is located on the second level of the Chochołowskie Thermal Baths building. Thanks to the high windows facing Magura Witowska and a fragment of the Western Tatras, we can train with a view of the beautiful landscape. We invite you to the fitness room, where weekly exercises take place, among others: circuit training, Zumba, elastic body, step or yoga.
Take care of your body with us!
To purchase a membership, contact us at: